This year there were plenty of last minute travel plans in the works. It is funny how we intend to be in one place for any reason and then suddenly find ourselves somewhere completely different. That is kind of how my 2017 unfolded or took over my original premeditated plans in actuality. At first, I had wanted to head to Europe during a two-week period in which would have been a paid vacation. Then, I found myself without that opportunity in place and quickly altered my plans for Asia.

The main reason being that I had been absolutely blessed to win tickets to Thailand. It all started when I spotted an advertisement on a train in Melbourne on one very ordinary day. All I fixated on was “Win Flights to Thailand” and then I noted the instructions to enter, etc. The point is that I had to be on that specific train in that specific seat in order to catch that advertisement. Secondly, I need to have some kind of awareness of my surroundings and let’s face it, most of us tend to block out everything…especially advertisements!

Once I simply entered the contest by submitting a very well-written commentary (guess it helps being a blogger…), I was selected for the win and the tickets were mine by mid-February 2017! Even though, this amazing win happened, I still was not planning for Asia until later in the year because I already wanted to go to Europe in the spring. As stated, situations changed and I found myself with way too much free time and no paid holiday leave. Therefore, I suddenly determined I would use those flights tickets now come springtime and extend my trip well beyond Thailand because that’s what savvy travellers do (of course)!



It is amazing how drastically plans can change and how you have no choice, but to flow with it. That’s the position I was in and Europe was off the map. A two-week trip expanded into nearly several months and the destination changed completely. I knew seeing that advertisement, I was determined to win and now here I was set off onto the ultimate Asia tour with multiple destinations (soon to be revealed in upcoming posts). It was a scary, yet exciting move to make because travelling long-term can be exhaustive and demanding of our energy and bodies.

Nonetheless, it was the road I had travelled on earlier this year and it was one that I was clearly meant to be apart of. As 2018 approaches, I look forward to sharing more global travel experiences new and old; good and bad; planned and unplanned. Keep your eyes open wide and stick with us as we share our travel journeys, advices, and memorable stories.

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